XNote for Thunderbird 2.0
XNote for Thunderbird 2.0 was just released. Beware that this version is imcompatible with Thunderbird 1.5. This version was sponsored by the company I work for called StarXpert (http://www.starxpert.fr).
If you are interrested in it, you can just download it from:
or from:
I also post a screenshot where you can have a look at a note:
If you are interrested in it, you can just download it from:
or from:
I also post a screenshot where you can have a look at a note:

It would be nice if adding a sticky note could be configured to automatically add a star to the message so that messages with sticky notes can be identified.
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
If you downloaded the right version, you should see that the message is tagged (I add the XNote label to it). Isn't that enought? If not, could you tell me what the star has that is better than the label?
pagalmes, at 1:50 PM
How is the xnote attached to the mail? will this work with imap accounts, so that I get the xnote in all Thunderbird clients I might use with the account. Provided that XNote is installed, of course?
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
XNote saves the messages in your Tb profile. Thus, it will not with imap over several tb clients. What should work, is to copy the content of notes from your profile to another PC. But you would have to manage that manually, which implies no synchronization.
That is a feature that many users would love to have, but that is not that easy at all to develop.
pagalmes, at 2:25 PM
Hi Peirre
I know it's not easy to implment (if possible), but I had to ask, since it would be the reason for me to use XNotes. I work on several PCs, both at home and at customers, so having notes on one i not good enough. :(
Nice addon though. Thanks for the answer.
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM
Your extension is very nice and useful.
I only find that the "yellow on white" message tagging is not very readable, maybe you could use other colors - but it is only my opinion.
You could also localize the description, as described in this page:
And you could also submit it to BabelZilla, to have it translated in all the world main languages.
Sorry for bugging you so much! :-)
Bye! ;-)
Simon (Underpass)
Italian translator and forum moderator for extenzilla.org
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM
> Your extension is very nice and useful.
Thanks :-)
> I only find that the "yellow on white" message tagging is not very readable, maybe you could use other colors - but it is only my opinion.
In fact, you can change that, by changing the color of the XNote label in Tb 2.0. If you find a better default color, I could change it.
> You could also localize the description, as described in this page:
Didn't you already asked me to do that? I suppose I should do it.
> And you could also submit it to BabelZilla, to have it translated in all the world main languages.
That's also in my long TODO list...
I will try to do it right now.
> Sorry for bugging you so much! :-)
You are welcome, I love to know things that should be improved.
pagalmes, at 10:49 PM
> In fact, you can change that, by changing the color of the XNote label in Tb 2.0. If you find a better default color, I could change it.
Ah, ok, I did not notice the new tag, thank you.
Anyway, maybe some red on yellow should do?
> Didn't you already asked me to do that? I suppose I should do it.
Really? Well, it could be, but i don't remember when and where...
Thanks, bye!
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM
Sorry, I'm no software buff, but how do I change the yellow on white color to another color?
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM
To change the tag color:
- Tools > options...
- Select the "view" tab (maybe it is called something else, as this is a translation from french)
- Select the label sub-tab
- Select the XNote label and click on modify
Is that ok?
pagalmes, at 12:10 PM
Sorry for bothering, found it and changed it!
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
Is there a way to add an XNote to an open e-mail?
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
XNote is fine. But it only works correctly with Windows.
With Mac OSX the windowmanagement is different an the note appears always behind the main Thunderbird window.
Anonymous, at 11:58 PM
About adding a not to an open mail, it is curently nt possible.
About XNote on Mac, some API do not work the same on Mac, thus it was decided not to test XNote on Mac.
pagalmes, at 8:01 AM
This is awesome - a huge time saver for me... now I don't remember what I have to do with each of my e-mails!
I'm assuming that when I fwd or reply to e-mails I've "noted", the note is not forwarded - it is for my info only. Anyway, I'll test that...
Anonymous, at 1:00 AM
Great extension!!!! ,
I think it will be better if the notes are stored in the body of e-mail then the post-it in my shared imap mbox can help all the users group, and me too :-))))
Anonymous, at 6:35 PM
J'ai installé aujourd'hui la dernière mise à jour de TB; puis j'ai copié Xnote sur le site Mozilla selon la méthode habituelle. j'ai chargé TB : il n'a pas reconnu de modules à ajouter. Dans le menu "outils/modules complémentaires", il n'y avait rien...
Merci de m'indiquer la marche à suivre.
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM
Great addon EXCEPT. The options button is not available to me (it is disabled). Also, I like the PitchDark theme which is white text. It appears that xnote uses the font color available to the theme. Because of that I have disabled the addon for now...would be nice to have an option to select the color of the text or make sure xnote uses black...
Anonymous, at 10:00 PM
Hi Pierre,
I have been looking very much forward to installing your XNote add-on, ever since I saw it a few days ago. First I had to struggle a bit to get TB upgraded from to Today I finally got that done. And installed XNote 2.0.1.
But I can't find instructions anywhere on how to use it. I see that XNote now appears as one of the options in the "Tag" manu. But when I click on that, all it does is put a tag called "XNote" on the e-mail header. So how do you actually open to the NOTE window, so you can write something there?
- Swarup
Anonymous, at 1:57 AM
How to change the color code of XNote?
Right now the message subject, sender, and date is all turned yellow by XNote. Is there some way to have XNote leave the color black? I don't want the color to change, as I use color coding for other purposes and this will confuse matters for me.
And is there a way to increase the size of the writing box (ie the window for writing in)?
Anonymous, at 2:12 AM
> I think it will be better if the notes are stored in the body of e-mail then the post-it in my shared imap mbox can help all the users group, and me too :-))))
This is an enhancement often asked, that I would like to see added some day. As always, the main issue is lack of time and resources.
pagalmes, at 7:56 AM
> J'ai installé aujourd'hui la dernière mise à jour de TB; puis j'ai copié Xnote sur le site Mozilla selon la méthode habituelle. j'ai chargé TB : il n'a pas reconnu de modules à ajouter. Dans le menu "outils/modules complémentaires", il n'y avait rien...
Could you please speak in english so that your question could be useful to others? Thanks.
I just tested the installation on Tb 2.0.6 and everything works just fine. Did you managed to make it work since you posted?
pagalmes, at 8:10 AM
> would be nice to have an option to select the color of the text or make sure xnote uses black...
Thanks for the suggestion
pagalmes, at 8:12 AM
> How to change the color code of XNote?
From a comment above:
To change the tag color:
- Tools > options...
- Select the "view" tab (maybe it is called something else, as this is a translation from french)
- Select the label sub-tab
- Select the XNote label and click on modify
> And is there a way to increase the size of the writing box (ie the window for writing in)?
on the down-right corner, you can just drag and drop to increase the size.
pagalmes, at 8:16 AM
> But I can't find instructions anywhere on how to use it.
Just right-click on a message and you should see an XNote entry in the contextual menu.
You can also right-click on the buttons-bar and select "customize". You should see an xnote button that you can add.
pagalmes, at 8:20 AM
Je cherchais un module pour prendre des notes et pouf ça fait plaisir de voir que l'auteur est de l'EFREI!
Anonymous, at 11:45 AM
Salut Boromé,
ca fait plaisir de voir "d'anciennes" connaissances ;-)
D'ailleurs, tu n'es pas sur Linkedin ou viadeo ?
J'espère que tu apprécieras XNote.
A bientôt j'espère !
pagalmes, at 12:09 PM
I have TB on two different computers, and installed XNotes on both. But it is not functioning the same way in both computers. In one (my laptop), say you have created an XNote for a particular piece of mail in the inbox. When you scroll to that mail, the XNote will automatically pop up on the screen. But in the other computer (my desktop), despite having created an XNote for a piece of mail, when you scroll to that mail the XNote does not pop up on the screen. And I can't get it to appear except by right-clicking on the mail, scrolling to "XNote", and selecting "modify". Then the XNote will appear, ready to be modified. But unless I do that, the XNote will not come up. How can this be fixed so the XNote will come up automatically when I scroll to the mail?
Anonymous, at 10:10 PM
I wrote above asking about the problem in which the XNotes I make do not appear when I scroll over to that letter. Have you ever heard of this problem before? Is there a way to at least open the XNote manually if it doesn't open spontaneously? (That is, without selecting the option that you want to edit the note-- in which case it does open.)
Do you think if I uninstall and then reinstall XNote, that may help the problem? If so, please let me know how to uninstall it. Thanks!
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM
> How can this be fixed so the XNote will come up automatically when I scroll to the mail?
I never heard of any issue similar to yours. Which OS are you using? If it is a Mac, I know that there are a few problems and I can't solve them easily.
If you are not on Moc, you may try to remove the extension and all its content. For doing this :
- Tools > "additional modules"
- Select XNote and remove it
then remove the following folder (if you do so, you will alos remove all your notes):
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\u9vznqg2.default\XNote
This should be enought.
Let me know if it worked.
Best regards,
pagalmes, at 8:18 PM
I am the writer of the two questions just above, about the notes in XNotes not opening spontaneously. I haven't been on-line for a couple of days and just now got your reply. My OS is Linux Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty). Both the computers I have are Ubuntu OS. In one XNotes is working perfectly. In the other, I have the above-described problem. Does that give you any further insight into the matter? I could go ahead and remove and reinstall XNotes if you say to. I'm sure the XNotes folder will be located there inside the profiles folder in Linux, just as you described it would be for Windows. Any further suggestions/thoughts, knowing it is a Linux OS?
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
Could you please reply to the message just above this, from a couple days ago? (i.e. the 31st message on your page) I really appreciate it!
Anonymous, at 3:09 PM
To change the color on US-English versions of Thunderbird, click on:
Tools, Options, Display, Tags, Xnote, Edit
(now change the color)
I think this is a wonderful add-on, and my wish is that you'd allow Thunderbird to search in this note easily.
-From Ben at Toyota ITC USA.
ben, at 3:00 AM
I need to change the color of the tag. According to the directions I have seen here on your blog, I should go to Tools -> Options. But when I go to the Tools drop-down menu, there is no "Options" listed there. I am using TB 2.0. So which Tools do you refer to? Please tell me where to look so I can change the color of the tag.
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM
Just an addendum to the note just posted about changing the color of the tag. I am using linux. So I am thinking there may be some very slight differences between TB 2.0 in Linux and Windows. Perhaps in the Windows version of TB 2.0 there is an "Options" in the "Tools" drop-down menu. But in Linux, there is no such "Options". So in this case, where can I go to access what I need to change the color of the tag?
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
About the issue of notes not showing up, I don't have a clue. Are both of your PC (the one working correctly and the second one) working under Ubuntu? I don't know how I could solve your problem as I can't reproduce it...
pagalmes, at 7:24 PM
> But when I go to the Tools drop-down menu, there is no "Options" listed there. I am using TB 2.0. So which Tools do you refer to?
hum... In my Tb version there is a "Tools" menu, with an "option" entry...
What version of TB do you use (Linux, Mac, Windows)? Are you using a specific version?
pagalmes, at 7:28 PM
About the Tools>Options problem, I got the answer. In Linux TB, that "Options" tab is actually called "Preferences", and it is located in the "Edit" drop-down menu rather than the "Tools" drop-down menu.
And as for the problem with XNotes not popping up spontaneously, that is also me-- and today that problem was also solved. I am not certain how the matter got fixed, but I was toying with the TB partition between the list of mail in the mailbox, and below it the window showing the read-only version of each mail. The partition between those two windows had been moved all the way to the bottom of the screen, and TB did not seem to like it. It kept on trying to show open a letter in the read-only screen but because that screen had been pushed all the way to the bottom of the monitor screen, it couldn't show it. Once I moved the partition upward so the lower screen could show, TB seemed much more happen (it stopped struggling to show the read-only view of the letter as the letter had appeared there). And at that point, the XNotes started appropriately popping up as well when I scrolled over the various mails. --Not sure if any of this was related at all, but at any rate the problem is solved.
Thanks for your help!
Anonymous, at 9:49 PM
Nice to see that you solved your issue. I hope you can now enjoy XNote :-)
pagalmes, at 12:49 AM
too bad it's not persistent over multiple machines... I use tbird for IMAP like this all over the place so the extension is not nearly as useful as it could be for me.
oh well, top work!...
perhaps notes could be added to the body of the mail to get this to work?
Unknown, at 4:13 PM
Great work, but I think I might have found a problem. (Sorry!)
(1) I added a note to an e-mail (TB and (2) minimized TB to tray (another great add-on :-))
The application was no longer on screen, but sadly, my sticky note was...
(3) I opened TB again, (4) selected another e-mail and (5) minimized to tray again.
This worked.
Tried it again with the same result! Could you please fix this?
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM
it's a great idea ! Thanks.
But unfortunately, it doesn't work for all of my emails, and I don't understand why.
I have no problem with some emails, but with other ones, the top right red cross doesn't work and the note can't be saved. :-(
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM
thanks a lot for this great extension!
I wonderes whether there is a chance to use it from several computers. I read that it is not possible with IMAP-accounts.
What about this idea: if one could change the directory where the XNote files are stored, maybe one could store them on a network drive. and maybe then one could store and access these data from various places which have connection to this network drive.
Do you think this would somehow be possible?
and maybe if this was a webdav drive (which I have never worked with, but then perhaps I would try) then perhaps it might be possible to acess the XNote content from ANY computer who has access to the webdav drive.
What do you think?
Werner (Germany), Oct. 30th 2007
Anonymous, at 7:58 PM
@ Pierre-André
If you give a message more than one label, you don`t see the color for XNote label. so the star would be a nice thing.
Anonymous, at 6:34 PM
FYI - Using XNote 2.0.1 in TB on WinXP Pro SP2. I note the following in the error log:
Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520001 (NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH) [nsILocalFile.initWithPath]" nsresult: "0x80520001 (NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://xnote/content/xnote-overlay.js :: getFichierNote :: line 287" data: no]
Anonymous, at 8:25 PM
Thanks Pierre for your time & efforts to create this add on as it was something that I was looking for.
I understand that mouse> over a XNote tagged message should pop up the created note but this does not happen for me. To open the note I have to right click then choose "modify" I have noticed a few other posts with people having the same problem.
I removed & reinstalled XNote 2.0.1 but it did not change anything.
System XP Media
Thunderbird version
Any comments or thoughts....
Russ.R 11/09/07
Unknown, at 6:47 PM
XNote is a helpful tool.
We are working with up to 3 persons on an imap email accont. If I add a note to a mail, it is only visible to me.
Is ist possible to make a note visible to all other users of an imap account?
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
Hi, i´m using xnote in my linux-slackware with thunderbird- and he work´s fine.
When i install xnote in windowsxp with thunderbird- some messages i can´t save and in log of thunderbird:
Erro: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80520008 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) [nsILocalFile.create]" nsresult: "0x80520008 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://xnote/content/xnote-classe.js :: note_sauver :: line 91" data: no]
Marcelo, at 2:35 PM
Hi Pierre I think asking for a "star/or name/symbol" added to the message,subject/sender/date> line display, when message is not in a opened state may be valid.
I realize that the colour of the message"type" has changed to whatever Xnote has been set to, when a note has been created for that message, but when one uses TB's tagging, most of the distinct colours available have been used already for the TB tagging purpose.
Something else as well as the colour change; symbol/name/? would be helpful in the subject line to alert one to the presence or fact that the message is Xnoted!
Just a thought...... 1/5/08
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
Hallo.. i am A Fan from the Plugin. so i think we can Use it in the Company.. but we have a Problem.. we Use IMAP, so i think, if i can Chance the Folder, so that the Xnote filen not save at the Profile but at a Networkstorrage, so i can Use it....
I cant finde the Code in the "xpi" Files...
Pleas i need realy Help
can you Helpp me At joerg.agatz(at)googlemail.com
KinGArtus, at 12:16 PM
I love the XNote add-on, but I'm having one small problem. When I step through my message index pane using the "f" and "b" keys and I come to a message with a note, the keyboard focus is somehow captured, or placed somewhere else, and now "f" and "b" no longer work. The weird thing is, however, that if I switch to another workspace, do something with the keyboard focus, and then switch back to the workspace with Tb, then I can step past messages with notes -- until I move my cursor, when it stops working again!
Any ideas/fixes?
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM
is it possible to save the note in ftp account like ReminderFox?
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM
Thanks for a providing a really useful add-on!
Is there any way of preventing Xnote from automatically adding a tag to an email, or a way of removing the tag so that it doesn't constantly reappear?
I organise my life with tagged emails, and the Xnote tag is messing my system up a little!
Anonymous, at 11:08 PM
I look forward to using your add-on. It should really be standard in TB.
I'm having trouble installing it. I'm using TB v. (20080213). I can't seem to download ANY add-ons from the TB site.
When I successfully download from the StarXPert site:
and install it, everything seems to go OK, but, when I reopen TB, the add-on is not there. Any ideas?
Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
First things first, thank you Pierre-Andre.
Two solutions for problems posted above, which I also had, and for whom I found a circumvention.
1. Note not popping-up. The note will pop-up only if the lower pane for message viewing is NOT collapsed. I don't like at all using it, and I can hardly imagine a reason why XNote depends on it in order to show it's content. In my experience, the note does not pop-up on "mouse over", as someone wrote, but only if the respective message is selected (one-click select). And, again, if the lower pane is not collapsed. Probably most of the people use the lower pane, that's why the behavior, which I believe to be a peculiarity of XNote, and not of the system or of the particular TB config, goes un-noticed, and Pierre-Andre could not replicate it when it was signaled by a previous poster. I encountered at least one other account of the same problem/solution on a different forum.
2. XNote messing up with personalized tagging systems. I did not like that either, sorry Pierre-Andre. I found XNote Plus, which can be downloaded here: http://www.nmwebservices.nl/blog/xnote-plus/
Insead of tags, it adds a column to the main-pane column view. An icon indicates annotated mails. Would this icon be also double-clickable, I would declare myself happy with this add-on. As of now, since I persist in not using the lower pane, the only access to the note is by right-click -> Modify... Rather cumbersome. For, unfortunately, neither does XNote Plus alter the lower-pane dependency: the note would not pop if the lower pane is collapsed. What seems weird is that in the opened message, there is nothing, except for the tag (in the original XNote) to indicate that there is a note there. In an epoch of point-and-click, I can think of nothing more natural than a tiny icon which one double clicks to open the note: let alone automatic or semiautomatic popping-up (ideally, this tiny icon and the note would become incorporated in the message body, as someone suggested already or, as I thing would be better, as a separate entry in the header, just like the attachments; thus, resending/forwarding the message would prevent the inadvertent resending/forwarding of the note!)...
And the last observation observation, in my experience, XNote Plus no longer add tags: I used it on a previously tagged message and no additional tag appeared (actually, XNote itself when used on a previously tagged message could not change its color). Hope that this would prove helpful to some. Sincerely, M.
contulmmiv, at 5:53 PM
thanks for you very interresting comment. I contacted the developper of of XNote Plus in order to merge both.
As mentionned, I don't have much time to spend on XNote and thus, I won't be able to modifiy XNote but if someone does, I will for sure accept the changes.
Best regards
pagalmes, at 6:02 PM
Hi Pierre-Andre, and thank you for the reception of my comments. That's why open source is so priceless: not because it's "free", but because if something valuable is produced, always someone will pick up on it, and continue the effort, even if the original creator abandons, for whatever the reason, the project. Open source evolves, grows, allows for user history and continuity. XNote, as testified by so many a user, is a valuable addition to TB, and you deserve the credit for it. Let others improve on it :) I wish I could do it myself... Best regards, contulmmiv.
contulmmiv, at 6:49 PM
I just uploaded the new version intagrating Xnote plus improvements on the web site: https://addons.mozilla.org
It is now in the sandbox and should be validated during next week.
pagalmes, at 7:31 PM
Such excellent news! I am looking forward to downloading it as soon as it is available.
Cordially, M.
contulmmiv, at 12:23 AM
Thanks to you for letting me know!
Best regards
pagalmes, at 9:30 AM
Under Mac OSX with Thunderbird 2.0 the note window does not come to the front, if a message with comment is selected. Under Win XP it used to work for me.
Can you fix this?
It is a useful extension and replaces MsgNotes for me.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
This add-on would be a real killer if it had IMAP-support. Is it possible to make the notes work over IMAP?
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM
Great little extension - till now. All my existing notes have been corrupted by the latest update!1 How can this be corrected, as I have a lot of info stored in them?
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM
I just upgraded from an older version of Thunderbird ( to a newer version ( About a year earlier I had upgraded from an old Eurdora Light program to Thunderbird.
So here is my issue.
Just yesterday, I went from TB ( to TB ( my X-note Tags only remained on those letters that were originally received by Thunberbird. That is to say all the X-notes that were attached to letters originally received by the Eudora Light account were gone. No trace of them at all.
I am using the same version of X-Notes.
Is there a way I can "get back" those missing X-notes yet still use TB
Thank you.
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM
I like XNote however, I too am having a problem reading the white text on a yellow background (it is unreadable for me). Unlike the other poster who apparently found someplace to change the colors, I do not have the options on my menu in TB (Tools>>Options>>View>>) to change them. I've checked every category and tab within the Tools>>Options and there is nothing like what you had stated in the other response. Can you please advise?
Anonymous, at 8:16 AM
I just installed XNote and while I like the functionality I am having difficulty reading the white text on the yellow background (it's unreadable for me). I notice you answered a previous post with a way to change the text color unfortunately on my version of TB ( I have no such settings under the Tool>>Options as you documented. I've searched every option and every tab setting within each option and there is nothing close. Any help would be appreciated as it's a good addon but as it is now it's unusable to me.
Cheech, at 8:23 AM
Some more information on my previous post (Anonymous at 8:16AM.
My systems is Windows XP/SP3. It seems like ability to change the text color for XNotes on a Windows system would exist under the menu option Tools>>Options in the text "Display" category. There are current 2 tabs in this category, Formatting and Tags. You mentioned in a previous post that a Tab did exist but it was not clear what OS you were referring to. On a Windows system if it existed I suspect it would be here.
Cheech, at 9:56 AM
Great application.
Thank you.
Is it a way to search between the notes? Let's say that I have 100notes in 100 different e-mails. I want to find which note has the word "tender" in it. Can I do that?
rugged, at 11:00 AM
excelent add-on, but network support to work with imap server would be awesome
Martín Lescano, at 9:34 PM
It is a great add-on; I used it extensively on Thunderbird 2.0.21; No wI have just installed the beta TB 3.0b2; XNote does not work..... Can someone guide me to the right place for a TB 3.0b2 compliance XNote???
Unknown, at 2:28 PM
I'm using XNote intensively, it's a grat add-on; thank for creating it.
I'm wondering when the TB3 version will be out; it's now one of the reason I haven't switched to the TB3b3 right now.
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM
I apologize, but I don't have anymore time to work on XNote and thus I won't upgrade it to TB3.
I worked on this extension while I was employed by StarXpert and I would advise you to them directly if they have any plan (info@starxpert.fr).
Best regards
pagalmes, at 7:52 PM
Hi, this is a suggestion.
There is no Note-taking extension for Thunderbird to create and assign notes for each message.
For example I click to an e-mail message and I see the notes: "John Smith informed, Kate Shepherd asked, Jack Dawson does not like the product he got" etc.
But if I click to another e-mail message then I no longer see these notes because I see those other notes assigned this e-mail message.
Just like in the real life: I have several post mails and I put stickies to the mailes as needed. :)
Do you feel some intention to achieve this? I guess you XNote extension is the best to advance. :)
Unknown, at 12:48 PM
PLEASE will you Update XNote so it works in Thunderbird v3
Anonymous, at 6:51 AM
Hi Pierre-André -- Many thanks for the TB add-on, I have just been playing with it (Mac OS 10.5.8). I had a few problems getting XNote to work on my Mac, but after trying everything over and over, it's working pretty well now. For example, the XNote icon did not want to appear in the Customize Toolbar window, and then it didn't want to be dragged to the toolbar.
As for the problem on the Mac, mentioned by some posters, about the note falling behind the opened message window to which it is attached: the workaround that I came up with is simply to create the note and expand it (dragging the lower right corner) to enlarge the XNote, then dragging the note itself so that at least part of it extends over the edge of the message area. Then when it does fall behind the message, as it will, the extended portion is still visible and can be very easily accessed.
About changing the color of the note (and the text?), I would love it if this function would work on the Mac, because I use color a lot and it's also fun to make different color notes (as Stickies utility for Mac does). I followed the instructions above in this blog to change the color, but I just couldn't get it to work. If anyone has any more suggestions (Mac platform), I'd appreciate it.
About tags, my XNote tag finally works. After much playing around with Preferences and Tags, mysteriously XNote just suddenly started to appear in the tags list under: Preferences>Display>Tags. As others noted, I would love to have the option of an extra graphic indication appear next to a message (like another star, or a star with capacity to change color to indicate an XNote, or some other symbol). This feature would be very useful and fun.
If you should have time to update this great add-on for TB 3, that would be wonderful. Thanks, Pierre-André, for all your work in creating this add-on!!
Unknown, at 2:41 PM
I know that Pierre-André is not developing this extension anymore. And I don't know how outdated these comments here are.
But for those of you who have unreadable white text on the yellow notes (e.g. due to a Thunderbird theme like PitchDark, which uses white font color), I figured out a fix.
Add the following to your userChrome.css file (in TB's profile folder, there in the subfolder chrome - create file and folder if necessary):
/* Xnote - set text color to black */
.boite-de-texte, #titre
color: black !important;
This will set all text in the notes boxes to black.
Hope that helps.
Rico, at 7:17 PM
a great extension to thunderbird but is there any developement make for run with imap accounts, so that i can get the xnotes in all thunderbord clients ... i know it's frequently asked but it should be next step for your extension !!!
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
Any chance you will upgrade XNote for Thunderbird 3? For 4?
Anonymous, at 5:53 AM
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