A free software developer adventure

Sunday, September 24, 2006

OpenOffice.org developers conference - OOoCon 2006

Two weeks ago, the annual OpenOffice.org conference (OOoCon 2006) took place in Lyon [0]. It was a fantastic event were most of the developers working on OOo could meet face to face. If you missed the event you can download all the videos of the presentations from the kiberpipa website [1]. There, Björn and I presented the chart2 module [2]. Thanks again to the french community for organizing the conference. PS : during the event, I had interresting chats with Jürgen Schmidt (OOo extensions), Joerg sievers (the specification team), Kay Backman (speed OOo compilation) , Björn Milcke (chart module), Thorsten Behrens (XCanvas) and wanted to thanks them for there work. [0] http://marketing.openoffice.org/ooocon2006/index.html [1] http://ooocon-arnes.kiberpipa.org/ [2] http://blogs.sun.com/bmilcke/date/20060919


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