A free software developer adventure

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

XNote for Thunderbird 2.0

XNote for Thunderbird 2.0 was just released. Beware that this version is imcompatible with Thunderbird 1.5. This version was sponsored by the company I work for called StarXpert (http://www.starxpert.fr).

If you are interrested in it, you can just download it from:

or from:

I also post a screenshot where you can have a look at a note:

Friday, May 25, 2007

New chart integrated into Milestone 213

The new chart module was just integrated into Milestone 213 (a developper release). What a great news! You should really test it. You should also check this post and the the screenshot on it, it looks fantastic:

Here is the mail send by Ingrid Halama on the chart mailing lists:
Hi chart users, The chart module is renewed completely starting with SRC680_m213 and integration of CWS chart2mst3. This is the basis for further enhancements and long awaited features.

Get a quick overview of contained improvements here:

You are welcome to download the latest developer snapshot containing the new chart for evaluation and testing purposes:

Many thanks to all of you who worked to make this happen! A lot of people also outside Sun helped with testing the preview versions, writing help texts or specifications:
Regina Henschel, Tony Galmiche, Pierre-Andre Galmes, Jörg Wartenberg and many others.

Thanks a lot for your help!

For more information visit the chart website: http://graphics.openoffice.org/chart/chart.html

Thursday, May 24, 2007

XSLT and memory consumption

Today, Svante Schubert pointed to me an interresting article about an algorithm than allows XSLT to consume less memory:
This is nice as this issue has been very annoying to me since quite some time. Maybe it can also help other developers.

Code reviews and the NetBeans Collaboration Project

As the idea of code review is making its way into OpenOffice.org Martin Hollmichel send links regarding codu review tools. I did discover that Netbeans offers such capabilities. If you are interrested, you should check the following flash video:
The flash video

Other links:
the NetBeans Collaboration Project: http://collab.netbeans.org/
Another nice article: A review
