Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Chart Module : integration candidate 2 (m11)
- Download the new module
- What's new in the new chart?
- What's new in milestone 11?
- How to help testing and reporting issues?
- Installation notes
- testing the milestone 11 and declaring issues
- Writing a nice web page on the wiki showcasing the new chart module (showing new features with screenshots and a nice layout...). As the integration is approaching, having marketing material becomes critical. Here is the current page which can be improved.
Mono brings Visual Basic programs to Linux
Will OOo have its own VSTOOo (Visual Studio Tools for so that we can develop using the .Net framework ;-)
Labels: Linux, programming, VB
Thursday, February 15, 2007
[QA] Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 0.8 is out
Labels: functional, Linux, QA, testing
Monday, February 12, 2007
"Sun and Novell work together on a common VBA story"
That means that in the future, even Ms Office documents with macro will be imported in Fantastic!
Labels: macro,, VBA
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 Calc Tips : Scaling prints

The first one, is quite an easy one: use the "Page break preview". Select "View > Page break Preview". You should see something similar to the screenshot:
Then, just click on the vertical blue line showing the end of "page 1" and drag it to the end of your data. And that's it.
The second method is not that easy to find. It does use the page formating dialog. Select Format > Page... and click on the sheet page. You should see something similar to this screenshot.
In the "Scale" area, select "Fit print range(s) to width/heigth" and then just click on the hegth text box and remove the "1". It should look like the screenshot now:
Then just click on the "Ok" button. By removing the "1", you explain to OOo that it has to take care of the number of pages for the heigth. To check the result, just have a look at the print preview.
PS: I agree, that having a value called "*", "I don't care" or anything else could make this easier for users. Maybe an issue should be reported about that ?
Labels: Calc,, Tips, tricks